Celine's personal site

Celine Chan

a profile foto of me

Ex-envionmental Health Officer, non-professional baker but now a programming learner


I graduated from King's College London with a BSc Environmental Health degree and worked for Westminster City Council from 2003 to 2015. In 2018 I began an apprenticeship in Hamburg, Germany and became a baker in 2020. I have been working in the bakery until this June. Since I have developed an interest in HTML when I was hleping with the database in Westminster, I have done both short evening courses and online courses in London to do some online learning to learn html. I am still exploring and learning on Udemy and Codecademy!

Work Experience

I have created two links for my work experience,one in English and the other in German. Since I have been working in both countries.

Work Experience in German

New page to work experience in German

Work Experience in English

Under construction!

Mini personal project

beer table